Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program at Weight Loss Center of Arkansas

We offer a comprehensive, medically supervised weight loss program that is designed for individuals who desire weight loss. We utilize nutritional and exercise counseling, supplements, safe and effective medications when necessary, and psychological support on an individual basis.

Obesity is a chronic disease which affects millions of Americans. Being overweight can lead to a multitude of other chronic, sometimes life-threatening conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death. Losing even just a few pounds can have a significant positive impact and lower your risk of health complications.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) has clear guidelines about how people should try to lose weight:

“See a medical provider if you are


  • trying to lose more than 15-20 lbs.
  • have other health problems
  • are taking any medications
  • plan to take medication to lose weight”

The Weight Loss Center of Arkansas uses an individualized, flexible approach to ensure that if you aren’t achieving your desired success, the program can be altered to meet your needs. Dr. Gornichec feels that attempting to use the same program on every individual can lead to limited success and patient frustration.

Identifying barriers is critical when it comes to why weight loss is so difficult for some individuals. A hormone, vitamin, or mineral deficiency may be the cause of someone’s inability to achieve or sustain adequate body fat reduction. Thyroid and adrenal insufficiencies can also play a role and are usually easily remedied, resulting in easier weight loss. We use simple blood tests to look for these issues and discuss the results with you to provide possible corrections that can lead to better outcomes and health.

Our Structured Program

Our program involves weekly or monthly visits with Dr. Gornichec during which you will discuss a diet and exercise program tailored to your needs. Appetite suppressants, both prescription and over-the-counter, will be utilized when appropriate.


Calorimetry Testing*
This test determines your Resting Metabolic Rate which represents the calories a person burns in a given day while at rest. We can then calculate the number of calories required each day to achieve weight loss.

Protein Supplements*
Healthwise Protein Bars are available for purchase. Prices vary based upon selection.

*Service not covered by insurance and must be paid when service rendered.

  • Call 501-781-0772 to schedule your free medical weight loss initial consultation.


  • You will meet with Dr. Gornichec for a physical exam. We will schedule appropriate testing, including labs, and get you started on a path to reaching your weight loss goals.


  • Complete testing.


  • Start your medical weight loss program!


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